Recap 2016 and what will bring 2017……

2016 is the toughest year in my live. Due my trigeminal neuralgia (wikipedia ) which I have now over 1 year. It started 8 november 2015 (then I have had the first onset/pain attack) Since that moment I did what I could to get control over the pain. Now 1 year later, I had finally an appointment in UMCG (Groningen hosipital) where the best neuro surgeon are working. To get there I had to make some journey. (Dentist, oral surgeon, neurologist, 3 sedations in the pain clinic). This year I’m pleased I was able to train and compete although I have the pain.

Due the pain I’m not able to lift at the level I want. My 25th nationals was a disaster. I bombed in the squat (305kg). I was not able to control the pain in my face and therefore I didn’t made the right depth. I finished the competion with 3 good attempts on the bench press (180kg) and 2 good at the deadlift (267,5kg). Video:

In may at the Master Powerlifting Nationals I had to qualify myself for the Europeans  & World Masters Powerlifting. This meet went better. Although my strength wasn’t that good. I made 2 good attempts on the squat (305kg) and bench press (190kg). At the deadlift it was over, so we decided to lower the weight o

f my first attempt. At the end I pulled 3 out of 3 and finished with 255kg deadlift. Video:

At the Europeans I became 3rd (squat 315kg) (benchpress 192,5kg) and it came all together in my final deadlift attempt (270kg).  video: 

At the Worlds I became 5th (squat 312,5kg) (benchpress 197,5kg) and I was to able to put 5kg more at my total. In my final deadlift attempt I had to put 17,5kg more on the bar then my 2nd attempt, to get the bronze medal in the deadlift. And yes I pulled 272,5kg. video: 

Due all the issues I wasn’t able to qualify my self for the Classic Powerlifting Nationals. Last year I lifted 8,2 wilkspoints to less to qualify. At that stage the trigeminal neuralgia started become worse and I was recovering from some other injuries (arm and leg). I was to stupid to put 260kg on the bar in my final deadlift (which I didn’t pulled) instead of 255kg (which were enough to qualify). Therefore I tested my classic/raw powerlifting 1 week ago in the Gym. I squatted 235kg, benched 140kg and deadlifted 245kg (I expected something more), so I totalled 620kg. video: 

Powerlifting gave me the distraction I need. And a new hobby entered my life. Yes playing darts. Darts helps me to calibrate the pain. I’m not able to powerlift all day long.

The biggest disappointment for myself is that since September I’m not able to work. The interaction when I’m working is too tough to handle and this causes more pain and it become more worse that it is now. The hardest part for me is to sleep. I’m lucky now that I fall asleep. I have had a period I didn’t sleep at all and therefore I had to make the decission to stop with my work. And people who know, know that it was a very tough call for me. This helps me to sleep now (at this moment I am about 8 times a night awake) So you can image that my battery is not fulling charge each day. That was the hardest part last week. I was focused on the appointment in Groningen Hosipital and it costed me a lot of energy. Also after the appointment knowing I will be operated now (within 6 weeks). This gives a feeling of relief and also uncertain.

2017 is entering was now. Normally at this stage I’m starting up my training for the Nationals in February. Today I started my training to get in shape for the operation. At this stage I’m not knowing if I will compete at my 26th Powerlifting Nationals. My first goal for 2017 is to get healthy again, get to work and then enter the platform again (ofcourse).

I want to thank the people who supported my this year in my work, social and sports .

You have to do things by yourself and I don’t have to do them alone. Giving up is an option.
Powerlifting is my metafoor for life heart<--break->