When you don’t have enough energy, there are a few options to deal with your training:
- skip your training
- full fill your program as planned
- full fill your program and take less weight (and safe your energy for your next training.
You can image which option I chose. The reason of my choice is that I want to full fill my ‘heaviest’ training / manage to lift the weights I planned to lift on a meet. A meet is the most important for me (normally 🙂 ) so one step back, can help you to make 2 of more steps forwards.  So I’m aiming to train (lift) good Friday at my weekly ‘normal’ powerlifting training. Also I decided to skip the strechting cycle, so I keep the tension on my whole body. Also I toke more rest between the sets. This training lasted approx. 105 minutes.
Program today:
Planken 5x 35 seconds
Knee raises 5x 15
Good mornings 5×8 40kg
Squats 2×8 20kg 2×8 50kg 2×5 70kg (warm-up sets)
3-in-1 squats (variation of slow, pause & normal squats)
5 sets with 90kg 3Â reps slow, 3 reps pause & 3Â reps normal (speed)
Deadlift 3-in-1 sets 5 sets of 2 reps 110kg (full, romanian & lift off)
Sumo deadlift 2-in-1 sets 3 sets 3 reps 90kg (full & romanian)
Bench press 2×8 20kg 2×8 50kg  (warm-up sets)
3-in-1 bench press 5 sets with 70kg 3 reps narrow, 3 reps middle & 3 reps wide grip.