Update of the recovery of my brain operation….

‘Luckly’ I recieved an email from a colleague with a link to http://www.hersenletsel-uitleg.nl 
When I read the information on the website, I read my ‘own’ story. I have difficulty to handle with bright (sun) light, noises, interaction (in a group) etc. At the end it causes lack of energy (feeling tired) …… Oooo that is strange….
In the articles on the website it is clearly explained that it is ‘normal’. So I have to make some changes and enable help to make progress in my recovery (new life /  me) It is hard to realize you ain’t able to do the things you did in past without any problems. At the end I know it will me grow to a better me, only it need time……. Tonight my weekly ‘normal’ powerlifting training….. Time to stay within my ‘basic level’ ……