Maximum goal and minimum goal for the May 21st……

The meet on May 21st (Nationals Masters) is coming closer and coming Friday is my final test. In this training I will make up my mind (strategy) for the meet. When I make my strategy (game plan) I work also with a maximal goal and minimum goal. This helps me to get focus on my new goal, when the meet is over. When you have only a maximum goal and you don’t achieved it, there is an possibility it frustrate you very much. What I learned in the past, this ain’t helping me. I like to work with a positive fibe and therefore a minimum goal is helping me to get that fibe.  So all my 2nd attempts are my minimum goals and with my 3rd attempts I want to make the difference with that capacity I got on that moment. In my believe you can make up your mind (strategy / game plan) for 95% for the meet. The last 5% is the feeling (shape) of the day. What is the flow you are lifting in. To achieve that flow (and 95% knowledge of your capacity) the last two weeks of your training most be a contribution to that plan.

Okay what have this to do with the program of today’s training? 🙂
A lot. Although I felt my battery (energy level) is/was better than last week Wednesday, I did the same program as last week Wednesday. Yesterday and last Saturday I made to final step (mental push) towards my limits. Knowing that coming Friday is a small test to lift my openers / around my 2 attempts, a step backwards is helping me to make the following step forwards.

The question is: What will be my maximum and minumum goals for May 21st? What do you think, what I’m able to lift?

Program today:
Planken 5x 35 seconds
Knee raises 5x 15
Good mornings 5×8 40kg
Squats 2×8 20kg 2×8 50kg 2×5 70kg (warm-up sets)
3-in-1 squats (variation of slow, pause & normal squats)
5 sets with 90kg 3 reps slow, 3 reps pause & 3 reps normal (speed)
Deadlift 3-in-1 sets 5 sets of 2 reps 110kg (full, romanian & lift off)
Sumo deadlift 2-in-1 sets 3 sets 3 reps 90kg (full & romanian)
Bench press 2×8 20kg 2×8 50kg  (warm-up sets)
3-in-1 bench press 5 sets with 70kg 3 reps narrow, 3 reps middle & 3 reps wide grip.