Due lack of energy and concentration bow I did only light weight assistance exercises today. It is hard to get focus at this point. The feeling I’m at an cleavage and I don’t like that. This generates an dilemma and that means you got two options and two options ain’t generates choices. Choice began when you have three options (in my opinion) At this stage I give myself the time and continue this way of training, even I need more time after this week. Big learning point at this stage is, it thanks (needs) time 🙂
Today’s assistance excersises:
Lat-pully front 5×8
Lat-pully behind 4×8
Lat-pully ^ 4×8
Military press 4×8
Neck press 4×8
Barbell curl 4×8
Hammer curl 4×8
Push down 4×8
Push down ^ 4×8