Training 14-6-2017 continue light weight training……

The last days I skipped my trainingsessions, just to give myself the space to accept the decissions I made about powerlifting and other things 😉 Although it was hard the decission(s) give me space and rest 🙂 At my powerliftingwebsite aka you can read I stopped updating the site. The last time it costed me too much energy instead it gave me energy. It wasn’t easy because it did it for 20 years. Maybe somebody will contact me and will continue updating the website. You never know 😉 Also I wrote a letter to the hosipal and this gave/gives me also some rest. Step by step I changing my strategies, considering my recovery. At this stage I like to give powerlifting workshops (about the technique – and/or mental aspects)

Last weekend Saturday I was in the opportunity to help Iris and Ilrish at their site when they pulled a big performance at the deadlift 200kg & 210kg (see previous post, under news, to watch the videos)
On Sunday I was coaching Ricky Bakker and help him to get 9 out of 9. Watch here the video of his final pull to hit the 3rd place, click here!
Also I coached Wesley Ortega and hit also 9 out of 9, with a total of 700kg and 1st place.  Watch here the video of his meet and a easy pull with 307,5kg, click here! Great feeling when you can have a small contribution so somebody can perform (better than he/she expected).

It is nice that some athletes contacted me if I can help them out to improve their technique. Harry Seriese will come over coming Friday. Also Laura Kasius and Claudia Oudijk contacted me, so they will come over to the WimWamGym in the near future 🙂

Iris and Ilrish will training more often at my homegym and this gave me energy. In small groups working on technique- and mental aspects.

Becoming strong(er) you have to train, make your sets and to make the difference your technique and mental condition adding the surplus (in my opinion).

This means for my self I continue training light weights the coming time, so I don’t have to make any decission about my personal powerlifitng future at this stage.

Today’s training:
Squats 2×8 20kg 2×8 60kg 5×5 100kg pause
Deadlift with 2 stops 5×3 120kg
Bench press 2×8 20kg 2×8 55kg 5×5 80kg pause

3 thoughts on “Training 14-6-2017 continue light weight training……”

  1. Wow Wim, you amaze me everytime! Zoveel kennis , liefde en passie voor de sport waar ik verliefd op ben geworden. Moge dat nooit uitsterven. ♥

  2. Hey Wim, good to see that you are taking it step by step. Happy to hear that it gave you positive energy to contribute to pushing other people…OUT of their comfortzone and make them achieve things they thought were impossible. You are a gifted person.

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