Walking today instead of jogging

Yes no jogging just walking today. My right calf isn’t still recovered from Saturday. That is no suprise, because barely I could walk the rest of the Saturday πŸ™‚ You to go over your limits to get know of your currents limits πŸ˜‰ Strechting, some therapy and some salve give me today’s ‘ointment’ to make a walk instead of jogging. And this went well and I notice I handle this ‘setback’ the same I did when something happened when I was powerlifting. Training within the possibilities the injure gives and this helps the recovery progress. I don’t like to take complete rest. In my opinion is handle within the possibilities you have the energy and focus to hold on your goal.. Okay maybe it will take more time to achieve it what you had planned at the start and mostly the setback and the anticipation within this process ensures that you achiev your goal within your time frame you have planned at the start. Do you know how that comes? You have a (sub)goal and they required skills ‘focus, discipline and structure’ which gives you the possibility to anticipate πŸ˜€
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