Wim ‘van Gaal’ Wamsteeker (by: Ricky Bakker)
Everyone knows in the meantime that a trip to Wim is a journey itself. He just lives far away from the rest. At my DRC Cup Wim coached me towards mine first 9-out-9 meet. During the meet I have some strugles to handle and during that meet I started to know Wim a little bit, he is doing things differently to push towards and/or you beyond your own boundaries. Since then I got the idea to train at Wim’s home gym. Also through the stories which are told be the others.
Now it was so far, we first talked. Get to know each other better. Here I noticed that it would be an interesting day. Once in his impressive home gym I noticed that there really is a nice training atmosphere.
I think many other lifters with me, have their own routine to warm-up. I followed Wim’s. And these exercises have already got me pretty tired. But we did not use heavy kilos. Everything ‘light’ as it is called, and yet I still have muscle pain after three days.
Then we went to work according to plan, squats, bench presses and deadlifts. Tempo changes, kept sharp, made sure that this was not an easy day. Powerlifter are relatively lazy, you know what I mean. But here was more than just physical training. I became mentally tougher. According to Wim he was still very nice to me. He placed his ‘finger’ in the in center of painful spot. . As Claudia did, it was my
turn to let go some tears. Wim broke me, but the intention was to let me learn from it and me push me to lift the weights I wasn’t able lifted before in the training session.
The lesson, one of many, that has been very important to me is that you have to focus on what is important and keep your faith. Faith and confidence in your own abilities. Shake IT or!
Maybe you wonder about the title of this blog. As I watch Louis van Gaal in the media, and the documents I read about him, he sounds like a trainer who wants you to open your eyes. So when you asked him a questions, he gives you the answer which is another question.
Breaking down and building up in a safe environment. Exactly what I need (So now and what is next!)
Thank you Wim van Gaal!