My oh My….

My oh My….

Where did I get myself in to? That is a question I get asked a lot lately. But it is al so a question I ask myself. :-). I don’t believe in New Years resolutions. I believe in adventures whole year around meaning: Improving my technique | Working on my strength| Building experience. Change will come if you open up to it.

Whilst talking ….
with @wimwam1 [Wim] during one of our trainingsessions he told me it was possible to try some equipped lifting. It would be fun he said. Mostly because with equipped lifting your technique is ‘key’, slacking on it is unforgiving and will determine how you get through your attempts. A long the side of your focuss, will and intentions.

I’m known….
for asking questions but al so for trying out new stuff. Before even knowing where I get myself in to. It has something to do with being curious and trying to improve myself and see what I’m capable of. December 2016 and in in the beginning of 2017 I tried equipped lifting on a squat before.

At one of those occassons I could not get out of a squat with 160KG. What I still remember to this day is how it feels to don’t get up and sit your ass D O W N, al so known as 3 red lights.
I can tell you that with your legs strapped it is not that easy to get up by yourself anyway. Eventhough I didnt made that attempt I kept wondering how it would feel being able to master such a craft.

Here we go….
This time around I had a full equipped training. The equipped training started after the classic/raw training of each segment was done. In my mind I was like; Huh mate are your freaking kidding me? How can one manage to recharge themselfs to keep on lifting.

Let me break my third (squat) equipped experience down in the following steps:
1th step….Try to find the right size suit…
2th step….Try to get in that suit…
3th step….Ask for help to wear that suit…
4th step….Stretch your legs to get strapped…
5th step….Trying not to hit someone for getting the straps on…
6th step….Receiving help to get up…
7th step….Approach the rack…
8th step….Manage to get in the rack…
9th step….Realising that your C R A Z Y…
10th step….L I F T.

Getting strapped….
Felt kinda painfull at least for me. Wim was having a blast and said he’d put the straps on losely. I think he has another dicitionary than I have. Luckily the uncomfortable feeling faded away when I noticed I was able to wiggle towards the bar, after he helped me to get up. Focussing on bending my knees, trying to create the right speed and let the equippment work for me was a big task. Feeling all this weight on my back was epic besided the fact it burned like #hell hitting dept. It felt like magic getting out of the 170KG squat attempt though.

I am working on my bench. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to bench in a shirt yet! Due to the fact there was none available in my size. I’m looking forward to do so, cause knowing how to bench is something I’m eager to learn and needs a lot of work.

Caught me by surprise….
On deadlifts I managed to feel what equippment can do for you if the technique is on point, you keep your cool and keep pulling. I was amazed with the amount of speed that made the 180KG deadlift come U P. It caught me by surprise in this loose suit 🙂