Mentally a tough training, so I kicked my ass….

This morning I woke up and again, like a lot of days the last year after my operation, I felt that I had a lack of (mental) energy… Every thing I do, cost my (too much) energy….. A lot of things I did in the past by myself, without thinking, cost my now energy…. I have to remember myself to do the things which I have/want to do…. A lot of things I write in my agenda…. and yes…. this cost also energy…. Therefore I leak unnecessary energy….  This is how I maintain the vicious circle …….. And I don’t like that…… So I kicked my ass on today’s  training and wanted to focus myself onto the upcoming meet…. Although I don’t know if I will compet, I know this helps me to get focus…. Ofcourse I know I will pay the price (because I will be died tired this afternoon and I thought by myself F#@K IT)

The warm-up went laborious and the squats felt the hardest of all today (check the video below) Nevertheless I didn’t squatted 3x160kg (without belt/sleeves) yet, when I started training again in November…. So game on…. After that I deadlifted and set by set it felt easier…… I was aiming for 197,5kg for reps…. After I did 3x 185kg it felt I could deadlifted even more….. Nevertheless I keep hold on my program and my philosophy “keep hold on your program and you have also the opportunity to go “lighter” NOT “heavier” 😉 Somebody told me: Practices what you Practices…huh Preach?! So I do…. and gave my apprentice an example… 😉 Bench press went also better set by set…. At this moment I got still the nerve injure in my left arm and I got less power and the reps with 107,5kg felt easy also……

Like Rob Cross said yesterday in his interview after he won the World title darts:  Give yourself the opportunity to go for it and push yourself towards your limits and beyond……..

May the Force be without 😉