Mental & phsycal toughest training so far….

Today my lack energy in my mind/brain and body made me f#@k up… sorry for my language. The warming-up was hard…. my heartbeat went up and much higher than it normally goes… Therefor I decided to taak a little bit more time between the squats sets. Still I stayed focused / aimed on my goals of today’s training. In all kind of situations I work with maximum goals and mimumal goals. My trust in myself was not I normally feel. Only I know I have to believe “in the force” and today was it willpower and f@#k it all 😀 Just do It ….. because there are no finish lines …… Technique was enough today to beat the weights. Most important is that despite I have to kind the pressure out of my head….. So I had two tasks …… kind the pressure out of my head and make triples with the weight I had planned….  Below the video of my final sets….. At this stage it all became new personal best with 3 reps 🙂 And yes this afternoon I will take a siesta and I’m proud that I push myself beyond my personal boundaries… Proud on my apprentice that she did the same this week….. and here coming week will be awesome 😉

Squat 3x190kg
Deadlift 3x220kg
Bench press 3x110kg Pleased that my left arm is doing better and becoming stronger….