The new URL is active and it forward the athlete blogs of Iris Kensenhuis. 1,5 year ago I meet Iris and Ilrish (here sister) on a Powerlifting work-out I gave at Spartacus Noord-Scharwoude. Unfortunately the Gym is closed after over 35 years. Big Powerlifting legends trained there under the supervision of Henk Keizer. Happy that Henk is still active in the sports as coach of the National team. This was the side step in this blog. After the workshop I stayed in contact with Iris and Ilrish. Since last summer they come over to train at my homegym. During their training I gave advice / suggestions how to improve their powerliftingtechnique. Also adviced them to add some oldskool excersises in their training, when they were training in my homegym. At the end of last year Iris asked me if I want to be here trainer/coach, so she can start a new journey and go to next level as a powerlifter. Because I’m still recovery from aftermath of my operation, I had to think over and over. And I made the decission on my feeling and I’m glad she gave me the opportunity to help/advice here so she can make the steps in here journey. The first is started already. Here first meet will be the Dutch (Equipped) Powerlifting Nationals at the end of februari. Hopefully she will be ready to qualify herself for the European (Equipped) Powerlifting Champions in May 2018. This will be a good step to get prepared for the World (Classic) Powerlifting Championships in June 2018. At the you can read the blogs from Iris and hope you will enjoy reading the experiences of here journey.