Still at it…

Every SUNday I review my week and all my sins 🙂
Well today it’s evaluationday. This comes after judgementday a.k.a. the weekly central training.
Five weeks @ following this new programm feels like a rollercoaster. An interesting and unpredictable ride I must say. Eventhough we know where we are working towards. Ahum….at least one of us does.






My third equipped training is a fact. Squats were a big challenge. I’m much aware of being out of my comfort zone. My head and body are trying to speak the same language when It comes down to  speeding up the lift. But mostly to ‘let go’. I’m not affraid of failing a squat…I’m just not looking forward to get comfortable staying down..d.d.d.down there.

I’m stunned about the fact that my light training sessions seem to pay off. Especially when it comes down to my technique. I’ve noticed that my style is changing and I think for the better. When my lifts are  wobbly, tensionless, look like dive bombs; ‘you name it’ I’ve done it… I can reproduce what I did wrong and am able to act on it in the next set/rep/training. Click here to watch a part of yesterday’s training and know what I mean.
All the mobility exercises are beneficial to my bench press. There is still a lot work to be done. Focussing on my set up…leg drive…and placement of the barrrr
On deadlifts I’m amazed about the KG’s the suit is making me pull. And the speed that comes with it. Needless to say that I almost started with squats in my deadlift suit :-). Lucky for me coach keeps an eye on everything. Especially on me and makes sure I don’t get lost in this world of endless possibilities, reps and sets.

If it was not for him I would still be walking around in my suit this weekend. Because I couldn’t get out of my belt. It must have something to do with being : EQUIPPED IN BEING CLUMSY.

Untill we meet again….