Tick…. tick….tick…. tick ….BOOM

That’s how I can describe yesterday’s training.
I tried my hardest to make this week go as smooth as possible.
I can check the following boxes.
□ Did all work outs
□ Managed my time a lot better
□ Felt strong during the week
□ Eat and slept enough
□ Looked forward to the ‘lightweighted’ central training
Even with all this preperation the central training got me like…..RU FREAKING KIDDING ME.
Squats felt heavy….bench went much better….and deadlifts……..:-/.  Don’t you even get me started!
In Dutch there is a saying that goes like: those who are not strong should be smart.
Well… I can tell you that is difficult with a fried brain.
During this training I asked myself many times….what am I doing? Why does this feels like I’m surviving. I’m glad to say that my technique  saved me through this day cause I felt like ‘UGH’. The head was out of office, and my manners took a vacation. Alll that was left was the heart to lift with.
My sister @ilyscious was there to have my back. Every step a long the way, alongside coach. The one and only coach who made me do extra sets and reps to get the best (of that day) out of me. That is what I realise now. But at that moment it felt like he was pushing all my buttons and really got on my nerves. We are still friends but I did not like his behaviour that much! Or was it my own?
This video shows what that looks like. I dare you to watch it (without laughing).
After getting my frustration out of the way, Coach was so kind to remind me of the boxes I forgot to  check:
□ Not sticking to the order of the programme
□ Forgetting that I’ve made progression
□ Being to ‘lightheaded’ about the lighttraining
□ Choosing to survive
□ Taking one step at a time
Uhm….what did you say? Well that sets the record straight!
When you think you know, but you have no idea.
Untill we meet again