New PR | reps with 120kg bench press & 2 reps with 162,5kg with Titan Super Ram

Yesterday I didn’t train. I didn’t felt a  100%, so in the afternoon I took some extra sleep. Yesterday morning I also had physiotherapy, so some extra rest was welcome ;-).

This morning I still did not feel 100%. I was planning to skip the training again. After I had taken a painkiller I felt good enough to train.

During my sets squat I used my Titan Yellow Jackets knee sleeves (click here!) to protect my right leg. This worked well. With the deadlifts I could add some weights, compared to previous trainings. After the training my legs felt much better than the previous work outs this week.

Bench press where a BLAST of went fantastic :-). That is an advantage if an injury has less effect on an exercise. Then you immediately see what happens when you put more focus on that excercise. Because you push yourself there, it de-stresses your feelings about your injury. A wise man said: every disadvantage has its advantage (number 14)


Tomorrow Iris Kensenhuis will make here debut on the Powerlifting Nationals Equipped. Pleased to be on here side. Curious what 10 weeks hard training will bring her.

Today work-out (60 minutes)

SQ  3×3 130
Dl 3×200
BD 5×120! plus 2×162,5 (with Titan Super Ram, click here!)