Variations deadlift & bench press……

Still awesome feeling about the performance of Iris yesterday at the Dutch Nationals. Read here blog and mine (click here!)

My leg felt good and during my sets with squats I felt the reaction in my leg. Nevertheless I squatted 3×3 140kg (sleeves for some extra sability) After that I deadlifted and did some 2-1 sets with 2 reps 190kg followed by 2 reps 170kg. I did the same on bench press with 2 reps 110kg followed by 3 reps 100kg. This felt both good. Also I ordered some new bar at Fitness-Seller, just for fun so I can continue my light training sessions with some other variations squat, bench press and deadlift 🙂

Today training session (60 minutes)
Squats 3×3 140kg
Deadlift 3 sets 2x190kg + 2x170kg
Bench press 3 sets 2x110kg + 3x100kg