Just light weight and empty bar squats

Today I just made 11 sets of 8 reps with empty bar (in different variations) πŸ™‚ Just to focus on recovery of my right abductor. I can walk and do every thing, only when I generate some pressure I feel pain. nevertheless I can continue my excersises. See what the reaction tomorrow will be and if I can do some empty bars squats again, so I can do some weight on the bar on Sunday πŸ™‚ After the squats I did some light weight deadlift. Tomorrow I want to do some light weight RDL’s. I used also my new hex bar πŸ™‚ just for 3 sets for 3 reps with 125kg. Bench press with good and I want to do some heavier light weights on Sunday πŸ™‚

Squats 5×8 20kg Safety bar 3×8 20kg Rackable Cambered 3×8 20kg
Deadlift 3×3 130kg
Hex Bar deadlift 3×3 125kg
Bench press 3×3 110kg

Do you want to see all deadlift attempts of Iris at the Dutch Equipped Powerlifting Nationals, click here and watch here breaking the Dutch record.