Sunday’s are there for me to reflect on the week in general and ofcourse all my powerlift adventures are a part of that. Two weeks in to my new cycle for Nationals and I can say…..I’m still standing ?
This week I saw different time slots in the gym. Early in the morning, during the afternoon and late nite creeping. Luckily for me the gym is open 24/7. Being the vampire that I am that’s a great outcome.
This week I had a first time deadlift session with a new kind of resistance. Oh Lord….that’s a whole other ballgame. Focusing on getting my back even stronger and holding the tension during my lock-out will for sure improve this lift.
I also focused on my walk out for squats. Chest up, stand proud and trust the FORCE that’s in me. That counts for all the stuff I do. While having a sit down with coach this week we also talked about how important it is to get enough sleep and feed of the right nutrition. Something I’ll look in to deeper this coming cycle amongst some other things, and for sure will write about this on here.
All the upperbody accesories are contributing to my bench ?, al so pretty pleased with that. With a new BENCH SHIRT that will be my new best friend from now on.
Another great friend of mine….my tailor…. did a great job on altering my squat and deadlift suit again. They were still too lose to coach’s opinion. And I agree with him (dont’t tell him that). Ofcourse that means I have to work even harder the coming weeks. Cause equipped lifting is unforgiving when it comes down to cheating on your technique. Posture is KEY.
But hey…didn’t I tell you a couple of blogs a go that I am up for a challenge? Down below you’ll see a first impression off that…..even picking up the bar needs some extra instruction. Eventualy the bar went UP, and came down.
….Untill we meet again….