After Ricky stole my monday spot last week for his blog
I AM BACK with a vengeance to share some thangzz with you all about my powerlifting WHY. Why? you might think…. well lemme tell you.
A while back I was gifted the opportunity to talk to Maarten Gulickx about my profession, goals and my life. One of the most important things he shared with me in this conversation was the finding and defining of my
‘WHY’, because at the time my WHY
had been turned in to a complete messy and disastrous HOW :-(.
Maarten promised me that when I would get back in touch with my WHY, everything I wanted to do, accomplish and go for would sort itself out. It would take time he said, because he is no magician and neither am I , but it would turn out for the better if I just focussed on this essential thing.
And so I did.
Flashing forward; the focussing on my WHY eventually gave me the space and peace of mind I was looking for. As expected it took time, effort, moving on from people, places and jobs, more than several rivers of good ol’ tears but it also blessed me with the love for the sport of powerlifting and the opportunity to find space in my ‘ life WHY’ to implement and define my own ‘powerlifting WHY’.
Key ingredients of powerlifting that influence this last WHY are not only the fact that I strive to better myself everyday but also the fact that in doing so I like to give back to others #representationmatters. Going the distance, getting my hands dirty and having long term goals also play a big role and of course one should never forget, the power of competing for everything you once thought or was told you’d never have or couldn’t do, can have on a person.
I am really happy that finding my WHY has helped me in my powerlifting journey that just only passed the two year mark and has already brought me so much more than I figured it would around the time my convo with Maarten took place. As we arrived in week 5 of this cycle, my WHY has steered me in all kinds of directions already and April is around the corner with a platform waiting to be directed towards next. And while coach has been slaughtering me softly on Saturday’s (last saturday he had me do a back-off set of 10 on squats…..) and I am still figuring out the WHY on these RDL’s that suck the life right out of me every time I look at them, I will keep at it because in the end it will be worth it. Because as coach always says; Powerlifting is a metaphor for life.