> Who’s there?

It’s me?
> Who is me?
>> Well…

It has been a while since I took the time to write some of my adventures down. All because I didn’t schedule the time to keep on my writing skills.

At this moment I am 4 days out of competing at the EK Equipped Powerlifting competition in Pilzen.

It would be an understatement if I would say that I am looking forward to it. Time flies when you are having pre-fun. At the same time it seems to take forever for this day to present itself.

A lot of thoughts have crossed my mind lately; how will I preform? How will an international competition like this be? How do I make sure I don’t forget to pack all my stuff? Cause It’s a lot!!

Coach Wim is as relaxed as can be and I am all over the place. I already know that it will be a roadtrip to never forget.

The fact that I competed 3 weeks a go at Dutch Nationals was al so part of the preparation for this upcomming competition. I’m not even totally used to the fact that a competition is a preperation for another competition. So adapting to this style of training and athlete mentality is what I’m doing and learning lately.

My goals for this competition are: finding out where I stand in my equipped journey, learn from this experience, last but not least go with the flow and enjoy.

Do you remember that I had trouble getting in my new squat suit? Well I never got in it eventually. Apparently I am too sexy for my suit, cause the suit can’t handle all this meat. So I am on the look out for a new one. At least I know how it feels to be a sausage and what it really means to squeeeze yourself in to uncomfortable positions and situations. Eventually it brings clarity and a (free) pass to something new. 

If you have the time make sure to watch me compete this friday 11 May around 10 o’clock at Click here for the direct linkDon’t forget to cheer while you are at it. It’s much appreciated. ?

Untill we meet again.