The Devil is in the Details

Blog by: Kevin

Because of shoulderproblems (and shouldersurgery) I could never perform a proper or painfree low bar squat. But since both shoulders have somewhat improved the last months I decided to give low bar a go for the first time. I got a hang of the basics fairly quick. But somehow it still didn’t feel like I could properly transfer all my force into the bar. At least not in the same way I can with an high bar squat.

Although I coached quite a few people the last few years, I got nowhere near the experience as some of the powerlifters in the Netherlands. Hence the decision to send Wim some of my squat vids together with the question if he could take a look at my technique (talking about someone who has loads of experience). As always, the devil is in the details, two relatively small adjustments: not looking down as much and toes pointing out more already made a big difference. I’m not a big fan of a ‘one size fits all’ approach to technique, but these cues seem to work for me. Next session: my head position was fine, but my toes where back pointing straight ahead. Fortunately the head posistion already made a big difference, most of the tipping forward was gone. But the force transfer into the ground was still to improve upon. Adjusting your technique will always cost you some time and may even set you back in the short run. I will get it right.

A big shout out to Wim who watched and critiqued my technique without wanting anything back. Although a small blogpost was appreciated 😉 After my deload he offered me to send him some new vids as well.  This is what I love about powerlifting, almost everyone is prepared to help you out to become a better lifter. 6 weeks out from my first meet in ages, hopefully everything comes together on the platform.