It’s almost that time to rumble again. One and a half week out. What was on my mind and schedule this week?
There are moments that my body already wants to compete feeling all fired up. Combined with moments that I am stumbling around, and feeling like a very, very, very old lady. When that happens most of the time the alarm goes off ,and I know it’s all a dream. Lucky for me it’s than time to kick off my day. Coach laughs at me when I give him my feedback of how I’m doing. And really cracks up when he sees me squat with an empty bar. I am not joining a gymnastic club anytime soon :-/
This week’s central training at the WimWam gym was the icing on the cake for me. I know what needs to be done. All the tweaking, adjusting and fine tuning we have been doing the last half year has to show for itself the 16th of June. So time for me to call it a wrap, trust the force and let go.
Some people asked me lately how I’m able to compete ‘that much’ and If I’m not ‘over doing’ it? The people who really know me al so know that I’m not the right person to ask such a question. It amazes me that we live in a world where people think it’s necessary to question someone’s actions and intention when they are doing something they love. Especially in my case the people who are donating to the gym instead of actually being an active member. Is there something in ‘over doing’ that?
The fact that I’m leaving to Calgary still seems unreal but It’s a fact for sure. I get reminded to this upcoming event by my surroundings. Mostly by asking me when I am leaving. Whishing me the best and trying to meet up. The restless part of me is already busy packing my stuff. And the layed back part of me is like….naaah keep on chilling like a villain. I know for sure that the bags are not going to pack them self and that laundry is not going to wash itself either. So this girl has some stuff to do.
If you want to see me compete at the Worlds Powerlifting Championships in Calgary make sure to tune in on time. You can watch the meet at
What competition(s) are you attending or competing in this year? Let me know in the comments below!
I wonder how my sister @ilyscious is able to get a long with me. Speaking of her…..she has not written a blog for a long time now. I’ll remind her of it when I’m done writing mine. That’s now, cause I need to hang some laundry ?
Untill we meet again….