Recently I have noticed that whenever people talk to me about my sport and training they always talk about winning. In contrary to myself that is because I do not feel the need to do so because I feel like if you feel like you are winning everyday , there is no need to keep bringing it up.
Everyday you might ask? Yes, everyday and I am not talking medals you can buy at Ali Xpress people, I will explain why and how I mean this so some of you, probably all of you readers can feel like you doing it too.
1 Being loved
I have the privilege of having my sister as a trainingpartner. She loves me and I drive her crazy all the time. The feeling I get whenever she tells me how she cannot live with or whitout me makes me feel like a winner. Yes , she cannot stand me, mission accomplished!
2 Focus
When I started taking powerlifting serious a lot of people I spend time on vanished. Poof , just like thin air they went, because sometimes it is true; people want to see you do good but not better than them. And some people dont like you because you don’t dislike yourself. This is what brought me loads of time to spend on powerlifting and saved me some coins too 🙂 and it has brought me focus. Focus on my goals wich is essential. Win-win!
3 Sensei
Powerlifting has introduced me to Wim. My coach who I cursed the first time he ever let me do anything. He tortured me at our first introduction 2 years ago _see video _ and now he gets to do it every week. He also made sure I can rep the first ever national deadlift record I set in september ’16 for more than 15 times, got my squat on a way to greatness and works on my technical flaws daily. He let me play in the wimwamgym when he was away in Pilsen, he likes shoes like I do and he tells me to shut the hell up when I doubt myself or annoy him or myself. I like people who are honest. He is that person. He feels like a prize. And prizes are for winning . Yeah!
4 Being extra
As a theatermaker extraordinaire I am used to people being extra and I don’t judge people when they are not. In powerlifting some people are extra and some are not. I feel like I get to put my own kinda extra in my attire, my routine and how I carry myself on and of the platform. It is not an act. The Ily you see is the Ily you get and I like how this works for me : not pretending to be somebody else. Having control over that feels like hitting a home run. Yes dear I said it…. and enough homeruns mean…. yeah winning!
AND LASTLY……….. A lot of people asked me recently if I envy my sister because she gets to lift at competitions, I have not yet qualified for such as classic worlds or equipped Europeans ( i know you are waiting for it and that will be nice right me in equipped liftinggear ?). But the answer to the envy part is NO…. and that is because I know that she deserves it and that you become better and stronger when you train with people who are better and stronger. So without sounding cocky …. I am glad I deserve to train , hang out and support her at all her meets and all things in life and love the fact that in doing so I’m winning some more!
I can go on for a week telling you about these winnings but I won’t and keep it at this.
Please let me know how you guys are winning , I’d love to hear about it.
Proud at yah.
You are winning all dat everyday.
Boos en Uitbundig