Personal update and last trainingvideo….

It’s been a while I wrote a personal (trainings)blog. The past last months it was lightweight training for me and focus to get back in the coaching stuff. Coaching & being trainer was also a while back. With all my personal issues I was uncertain if  I was capable doing this. When I say yes, I go for it over  100%. Only in the past I was certain that I had all the energy and determination to accomplish this. With all the tests I have had in the hospital, I felt I made little steps forward and making progress. The neuropsychologist gave me the metaphor: In the past you run the 100 metres in 10 seconds. After your operation you run the 100 metres still in 15 seconds (and therefor all the test are okay / very good compare the standards). Nevertheless you have to deal with the fact that it would not be 10 seconds anymore. And step by step it will be better and it will not be 10 seconds anymore. At this stage comparing the start of the year I ran the 100 metres in less than 14 seconds 😀 .

In my work I create the opportunity to manage to do the things do best, and looking back at the past couple of weeks that gives me a lot of joy. Most of all starting to give me more energy back 🙂

Back to the trainer/coach role. In January (end of December) Iris gave me the opportunity to be her trainer/coach. With all the uncertain feelings I have of my own capabilities, she went for it. Thank you very much Iris, because this was the turning point when I started looking forward again. The first main goals was (is) the IPF Worlds Classic Powerlifting getting a medal on the deadlift and improve her own personal bests on all 3 lifts. This meet is coming Saturday and can be followed at (click here)

Towards this meet Iris had 3 previous steps.
1. Competiting at the Nationals Equipped Powerlifting, 25th February 2018, to qualify for the Europeans Equipped Powerlifting. In just a few weeks equipped training she managed to qualify for the Europeans with also breaing the Dutch deadlift record and 3rd place overall. Click here to view the video.
2. Becoming Nationals Champion Classic Powerlifting 2018. With the Europeans Equipped just 2 weeks away, she was not allowed to lifted maximum and nevertheless she became champion with 9-of-9 and 4 meets PB’s and also a new Dutch Record in the deadlift 220,5kg. View here the video
3. Competiting at the Europeans Equipped Powerlifting Championships with the main goal the gold medal in the deadlift and the sub goals where breaking here own PB in equipped lifting and qualify for the World Equipped Powerlifting in November 2018. With the knowlegde that her main event was/is 4 weeks later the Europeans Equipped Powerlifting and therefor  the attempts must be well choosen. Because recovery of equipped lifting (and when you fail your lifts it’s even worse) takes more time than classic lifting. She managed to deadlift the gold medal and breaking the Dutch record again (view here the video) And also you improve here a lifts in equipped lifting and manage to qualify herself for the Worlds Equipped Powerlifting in November 2018. Although the first main goal is next week, the second goal for this year has risen….

The reflection of the above steps is that I made my own progression. I have to deal with it that I won’t be on my maximum level anymore, although I found a way to train again and did 2 small meets already. Step by step I manage to control my breathing and bring down the pressure in my head. Therefor I lift with my mouth open and when to pressure want to rise I let go the speed of the excersise and fullfill the movement. In the past I was used to hold my breathing in and/of let go and when it started to become heavier I was focused to generate more power/pressure. So I train the upside way now. Luckly I am a big fan of lightweight training, because this is also a way to improve your maximum strenght. So I have to do what I preach. Below the video of today’s training and I’m very pleased how it went. Just to inspire some one 😉 because I was able to break a personal record on my bench presse since May 2015….. So there is No Finishe Line ? Next week it is game time. Keep you posted, thanks for reading.