
Blog by: Ricky Bakker

I do believe that powerlifting (sport in general perhaps) is indeed a metaphor for life. I think what Wim means by this is that when you put structure into your sport. Formulates & strives for a goal and makes adjustments where necessary.
To build a schedule with nice figures, everyone can do that tells my coach. I think so. Only a good coach makes sure that the adjustments fit with the athlete. Not the athlete at the schedule.

This process, however funny, is actually applicable to my life so far. Only I am the coach. Wim helps me with this, like he does with powerlifting to apply structure and rhythm. This may sound very heavy, but actually it is very nice and something that maybe many of you already can.In this process I find difficult to describe and that is also one of the reasons I do these blogs now and then. Not as frequent as in sports, but it will come in the future. Because the consciousness grows.

Back to our hobby, our passion, our love .
The training is nice. Wim’s ‘lightweight’ method is starting to have a nice effect. No, no new PRs (in training then) but the same numbers run with much more ease. To describe it in the trendy way, RPE 8 on old PR numbers. Technically much better higher numbers of lifts! I really like that, I really like that and it gives me energy to continue.

Progression is in every corner!
Thanks for reading and fast!