2nd Equipment training for the Ladies and Rockstar Ricky

Yesterday the ladies and Ricky had their 2nd equipment training for the upcoming Nationals (equipped) Powerlifting next month 24th Februari. Ricky had a good training session. Squats hitting almost the right depth. Bench press getting the bar almost on his chest and deadlifting is going ………. πŸ˜€
Ilrish is working on here squats with wraps and is going well……. So next week loose suit, which she is using during deadlifting πŸ™‚ No bench press shirt for here yet. Deadlifting is loose is going well, so next week a little bit tighter suit during the deadlift πŸ™‚
Iris is making new steps in here equipment lifting. Depth on squats is going into the right direction. Touching the bar with bench press, wearing here shirt. Deadlifting in suit after here classic training sets is getting beyond here shape of the Worlds from last year.
Compilations of their training session: