After competing rather succesfully at the European Masters Classic Powerlifting Championships in Gyor Hungary last week, the time has come for me to write a personal blog on my experiences with Wim’s training method.
Wim was my assigned coach during an international powerlifting event and that’s how we met. I was struck immediately by his warm personality, professionalism and experience. I needed some time to adjust to his blatant “directness” however, but because of his obvious good intentions, I’ve really learned to appreciate his approach and straightforwardness.
We’ve experienced two training periods of approximately 12 weeks each together now and my results have improved dramatically! His focus on lighter weights and technique have made me flourish in the sport like never before. I can’t fathom what has happened to me in a relatively short period of time. I feel stronger, can lift heavier and recover quite quickly. Slight injuries, I might (have) experience(d) don’t worsen and overall I feel invincible.
Of course I keep an eye on the progress of my peers, especially the ones in approximately the same weight category, and I see them lifting very heavy (near pr numbers) weights quite often during their training period. At the beginning I used to doubt Wim’s training method, and wonder why he didn’t let me lift more kilos sometimes, but now I’ve come to rely heavily on his method, structure and ideas. Because they work! My results speak for themselves.
What I really admire in Wim is his knowledge and honesty, even if it sometimes hurts what he has to say. He keeps an eye on the bigger picture, when I myself can’t. I know he has my best interest at heart. Furthermore I appreciate his dedication and promptness in responding to any questions or doubts I might have. I can rely on his backup and wisdom all the time. He has my back continuously!
Funnily enough he also teaches me life lessons I can use beyond the gym. I falter sometimes, but he picks me up time and again. Thanks for everything, Wim, and I hope we can continue our cooperation!
My next goals are the Dutch nationals and the World Masters Classic Powerlifting Championships in Helsingborg, Sweden. He has promised to keep on coaching me and I can’t wait to see what the powerlifting meets have in store for me. I’m hungry for more kilos, improvement of my technique and more competition confidence. Bring it on!