I’m loving the mornings!!

January is almost coming to an end and I am still checking my boxes. Beating PROcrastination is rewarding. The last two weeks I have been working on strengthening the adductors and my buns (the latest I’d love to turn into steel ;-)). I am happy to already see some changes in how I approach the programme and even the bar.

Sunday’s  I take the time out for my weekly review on paper and digital. The biggest  ‘ahaah-thing’ I can say is…..I’m loving the mornings. Being on the go from 6.30 o’clock is challenging and once you get the hang of it the nicest flow to be in. Seeing the sun come up and noticing that I’ve already indulged some ME-time and brace myself for the tasks that are there for me to take on or even tackle. It gives me more time and focus to enjoy the things I do in my spare time.

This “check in” is quick so there will be more to tell and show next week.
Let me check what’s on my ‘I will be doing’ list for the coming week!!
How do you prepare yourself for the week and keep your focus? I am curious to know how this time of the year and season is  treating you and what you are putting in to it.


Untill we meet again.


Iris Kensenhuis gold on deadlift at the IPF Open Worlds Powerlifting 2021 -84kg

European Champion Masters II 2021 equipped & 2nd on classic (3 days later :-) )

Nationals Equipped Powerlifting

Click picture for more information

European Classic Powerlifting Championships started with the technical meeting…..


It’s all started in 1985 at my first meet at TCH at the age of 15

It’s all started in 1985 at my first meet at TCH at the age of 15?
After 2,5 years of training ??
Wearing my NIKE Air Force 1.
Now heading towards 2019… What will it bring for me on the platform? Master 2 ? ??
First I’m allowed coaching @inspirised@theipf Worlds Equipped and helping @ankietimmers86
At the of the end month I’m allowed coaching @the_epf_ classic championships: @jacq3d
@emdelangen @irislifts @flatbenchjoe@inspirised and helping the other athletes who will compete
@sharrsperanzasatine @powerstrikkie
And the coaches:


Born Strong – Documentary

Great documentary. When you have seen this video. No words are needed anymore….. about how my mind works 😀

NIKE oldskool / vintage weightliftingshoes low and/or hig

Still searching for these shoes low and/or high… size 9.5US / 43 EUR
