Tag: 1981
Toen & Daar is anders dan Hier & Nu
Powerlifting from back in the days is motivation for Powerlifting today
Yesterday I saw the following video of a Powerlifting meet in 1999. 20 years ago…. Oldskool rocks!
It was a really good time. Our team was training together and lifting together during the meets. Competition was high within our team. Nevertheless we cheer very hard the other during training and meets. That is the big different between equipped (oldskool) powerlifting and todays classic powerlifting. Equipped lifters need each other to help out, with suit, wraps and shirts. That connects.
It motivated me for today’s training 😉 Thank you boys for that great time! Peter Baltus, Michel Kossen, Robbert Klaver, Erwin Krokkee, Peter Bongers, etc.
Coming weekend are Ilrish & Iris batteling on the platform at the Dutch Classic Powerlifting Nationals. I wish both good look and you train very hard for this meet.