European Champion Masters II 2021 equipped & 2nd on classic (3 days later :-) )

Rhythm is a dancer….. (5 minutes reading time)

Hi Folks,
To whom it may concern 😉 ,

After at least 1,5 years of no competitions because of the state the world was in, it’s a pleasure and privilege to be able to be in competition preparation again. If there is one thing I’ve learned about myself and this situation it’s “SLOWING DOWN”. Things that I already never took for granted; health, a roof above my head, being able to see different parts of the world and sharing quality time with loved ones (nearby and overseas) became even more special. Even getting to know my body and understand how it moves was one of it.


Before all the lock downs (I even lost count), I participiated in every competition that I was able to attain. I’m blessed to say that I’ve learned a lot about myself and the sport at every one of them. Mostly that there is no winning without losing. Looking back at these times my focus slowly but surely has shifted more and more to equipped powerlifting. Even though this discipline seems to be the less  favored by the most people who are participating in this sport it resonates with me on another level; it takes another kind of mental courage and preparation. Besides that it shows me that Rhythm is a dancer and I need a companion.


The gym is still a place I can call home, and home is where the heart is. Other sport activities also spiked my interest in these uncertain times showing me how to balance out strength, flexibility, letting go versus tensing up. Being uncomfortable means that I’m trying something new, I’m learning, and expanding.. Discomfort is a sign that I’m GROWing, even when the unknown makes me nervous at times, and that is totally okay.



Thnx for reading, and I hope you are doing well and enjoying live as much as possible.

Kind regards,
Iris xoxo