Read (dutch) interview of the sisters Kensenhuis, click here!
Today’s lesson was (is) mindset 🙂 Squatting session went great PB’s were broken in weight vs reps and sometimes you have to feel it when you don’t want to listen 😉 Today biggest learning point was (is) what kind of attitude you can hold with the excersise which give you the biggest challenge…….  Do every set (rep) like you are lifting on a meet….. When you withhold yourself, you will achieve exactly what the reason what is causing your withold….. 😉 So when you want to improve your worst excersis, for example, bench press, train like you train your best exercise.
The biggest difference starts with your (internal) attitude. Otherwise stop training your worst exercise, because it will give you a lot of energy improving your better and best exercise. Conventional deadlift, standing on block, went great. They surprised their selves. What you can see, it all about focus on yourself, during your training (and meet ofcourse).
Final set squat by Iris. When you don’t want to listen, then you have to feel it. What is your idea about this opinion? Next week Saturday Ricky and Claudia will join the training. I’m curious if they are looking forward to it…….