Yesterday’s training felt good at the start and therefore I was easygoing during my squats sets. For a moment I let go of my focus on my technique and strained my right abductor in my 2nd set in 2nd rep. Nevertheless I continued my training and did my 3rd set and bring back my focus on my technique. Gladly I strained lightly my abductor and was able to deadlift. My starting position was a little higher than I normally do. The focus on my technique helps me to work around the (small) injury. The abductor is helping ’the core’ of your upper leg and when you can stay focus on your technique you can do more what you think than on that moment 😉
Please also read yesterday’s blog of Ricky Bakker, click here!
1 hour work-out:
Squats (wobbly) 3×3 100kg + 40kg dumbells
Deadlift (chains) 3×3 160kg + 20kg chains
Bench press (wobbly) 3×3 75kg + 25kg plates