Stab + Stab makes 3 😉 (sneakerhead joke :-D)
Yesterday I did a short session crosstrainer, because I wanted to challenge myself to do…. and I did 😀
Last week Monday I started jogging and I needed 5 stops (walking sessions) to fullfill 2,1km “jogging” and finally Sunday without a stop.
Today I fullfill 5km jogging without stopping. I take some rest at my brothers house and took some ice tea 🙂 and make a walk back home for recovery. Recovery my ass my calfs, upperlegs and hamstring hurting like hell hahaha. So today I made 10km total trainingsession. My goal is fullfill 10km jogging, without any stops, at the end of this month. Will I achieve this? It is just Powerlifting (life) ….. it’s starts with a (sub)goal(s) and then you need the following “things”:
1. Focus
2. Discipline
3. Structure
This gives you the space / opportunity the get you in the flow and gives you the space to anticipate. It was hard not jogging at all on my way back home. Holding me back is needed to stay on schedule for my next (sub) goal(s)….. #THEREISNOFINISHLINE
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