| P L A Y T I M E | IS | O V E R |

Last sunday my first equipped meet took place.
I am still over the moon about my performance on that stage. I ended one chapter of my lifting carreer to start reading another one.
Coach gave me some rest so I could recover from all of this. And I used my spare time to do so.
That does not mean I didn’t see the gym at all. I went to the gym several times and focused on mobility work and light weight exercises.

Yesterday I had my first central training. It felt heavy. Heavy on my body and my mind.
If you would tell me that I moved all that weight 505,5 KG in total at the equipped meet I would tell you that it was not me but a body double. So at this point I am not that happy about myself, and my first training of the new cycle. And the real deal has yet to come. PLAYTIME is over.

I have to find the switch to turn that unhappy feeling in something positive. Because I know there is a lot to be excited for.

□ International competitions
□ The opportunity to develop myself as a more  skilled athlete,
□ Learn a lot more about lifting and myself.

With my equipped performance last week I was able to get invited to participate at the European Championship Equipped Powerlifting in Pilsen  [ Czech Republic ]. Not in in a million years I would have thought I would be doing such a thing. Knowing that powerlifting started as a joke and just for fun. And within 2 years it has became the real deal.

Just as real as the tickets that are booked to Canada where I’ll be participating at the World Championship Powerlifting in Calgary. ✔⚪⚪⚪✔. Talking about FUN stuff right.

Without having fun there is nothing to it. So that is what I am going to have from now on even now PLAYTIME IS OVER.

The new cycle is leading to Dutch Nationals that is 48 days and 14 hours away.  So buckle your seatbelt. It’s going to be a bumpy right.




◇ Untill we meet again ◇

2nd training session of Iris and Ilrish


Today’s trigger……

For several months I don’t powerlift (train) ………… My mind is disabled on several points….. Most of all I starting to miss the structure I had for so long. Trainingsdays, focus on my lifting goals, which generated the discipline to go for it….  Below the a headline of a newspaper which my mother gave me. This is the same date as the date (30th May 2017) of my first Dutch Championship Powerlift Championship, which I also won 😀  At this stage I feel how important that messages is for me and what I misses at this stage. I have interpreted the text as follows: If you what to be a champion, you have to act like a champion. So you have to do what is needed to achieve your goal. Nothing more and nothing less…. let go of the things (mindsets) which is in your way to achieve your goal….. So it is to figure about (a) new goal(s), which give me focus and give me the inner power which generates the power for the structure and the required discipline…….


Training 20-6-2017 squats, deadlifts and bench presses…..

Normally during this time of year I’m training for the European Masters in July and I have than totally focus on my training. Now I’m not training for any up coming meet, it is hard to focus on my training. When you competiting for over 30 years, my goal(s) to train are set during the year. And at this stage I really don’t know…… 😀 Strange feeling….. See what it will bring in the future 🙂 So today I had an earlier low weight training (again). The temperature in the Netherlands are good (hot), so earlier work-outs are better to do than in the afternoon and/or evening in my opinion……

45 minutes…..
Squats 2×8 20kg 2×8 50kg 2×5 80kg 5×3 110kg (pause squats)
Deadlift 5×3 130kg
Bench press 2×8 20kg 2×8 50kg 2×5 70kg 5×3 90kg