Training 20-6-2017 squats, deadlifts and bench presses…..

Normally during this time of year I’m training for the European Masters in July and I have than totally focus on my training. Now I’m not training for any up coming meet, it is hard to focus on my training. When you competiting for over 30 years, my goal(s) to train are set during the year. And at this stage I really don’t know…… 😀 Strange feeling….. See what it will bring in the future 🙂 So today I had an earlier low weight training (again). The temperature in the Netherlands are good (hot), so earlier work-outs are better to do than in the afternoon and/or evening in my opinion……

45 minutes…..
Squats 2×8 20kg 2×8 50kg 2×5 80kg 5×3 110kg (pause squats)
Deadlift 5×3 130kg
Bench press 2×8 20kg 2×8 50kg 2×5 70kg 5×3 90kg

Weekly Powerlifting training and final test for the Master Nationals May 21st

Although I had a busy week for my self at work and luckly it was good to do it 🙂
Also with my work and normal I have to figure out what my basis level is. Yesterday it was great at work and I went over my limit 😉 And today I had a great lunch appointment with a friend which didn’t see for years. It was great and also this kind of meetings cost me a lot energy. With this knowlegde I adjust the training for today on 2 points.

  • training at home (instead of the Gym) so I’ve got only interaction (and music) with myself. Therefore less incentives.
  • I make less reps.

These 2 adjustments helped me keep enough energy and focus to do a nice and good final rehearsal for the Nationals Powerlifting Masters for next week.

Program today:
Goodmornings 3×8 20kg
Squats 2×8 20kg 2×5 70kg 5x100kg 3x130kg 2x160kg (no belt) 2×187,5kg (only belt) 1×202,5kg new PB (training sleeves + belt) 🙂
Deadlift 2×3 120kg 3x150kg 1x180kg 1×202,5kg 1×222,5kg (belt ‘loose’) 1×232,5kg new PB (tigther belt) 🙂
With deadlift I felt I put too much pressure on my head. I was more willing to pull, than I was focus on a good lift off and focus on my breathing.
Bench press 2×8 20kg 2×5 60kg 5x85kg 2x105kg 1×117,5kg (wrist wraps) 1×127,5kg new PB (wrist wraps + belt)

In my opinion a very good final rehearsal. 202,5kg – 127,5kg  –  232,5kg is a (sub) total of 562,5kg at this stage…… What will I be able to lift next week Sunday? 😉
A lot of light weight trainings coming up the coming days 🙂 Recovery time……



Tough CardioPowerLifting session :-)

Saturday I decided to go not ‘heavier’ this week. So I added 1 variation to my squat session today. Instead of 3-in-1 squats I did 4-in-1 squats and that was tough and gave a satisfied feeling.

1 set 4-in-1 squat means 12 reps in 1 set 🙂
3x120kg 3x100kg 3×80 and 3x60kg (no hands front squats)
With little rest breaks this is tough. You feeling a nice pump in your body. Also by changing the weight on the bar by yourself, your breathing is going upwards and that making it harder. Additionally, it’s a separate experience that you feel comfortable in the set to recover it by lighter weight. This increases your explosiveness.

Also did 3-in-1 conventional deadlift 3x full pulls, 3x romanian and 3x lift off with 120kg for 5 sets. Followed by 5×3 sumo deadlift with 120kg.

Bench press felt good and easy 🙂 3-in-1 with 3 reps 95kg 90kg and 85kg. Finished training with 5×3 80kg shoulder grip.

Full overview of today’s program:
Planken 5x 35 seconds
Knee raises 5×15
Goodmornings 5×8 40kg
Squats 2×8 20kg 2×8 60kg 2×5 90kg
5 sets 4-in-1 set 3x120kg 3x100kg 3x80kg 3x60kg (front squat)
5 sets 3-in-1 set conventional deadlift 3×120 full, romanian and lift off
5×3 120kg sumo deadlift
Bench press 2×8 20kg 2×8 60kg 2×5 80kg
3 sets 3-in-1 3x95kg 3x90kg 3x85kg
Shoulder grip bench press 5×3 80kg
Fly’s 5×8 5kg
Strechting cycle

Needed some more rest, so 100 minutes work.