They both did it!!! Dutch Classic Powerlifting Champion!!!!!

Good luck to all competitiors at Dutch Classic Powerlifting Nationals …….

Your upcoming meet is the step to ……..

When you fail your lift


They say time flies when you are having fun. Well I found out  time also  flies when you decide to do make choices for yourself  that differ from everything you have known untill then.

These past 8 weeks I put myself through the wringer. And even tho it is nothing new , I had a few very important things that helped keep me #insane and #inthegame.

FUN. It is really easy to loose the fun of things when you attach  competetive GOALS to certain things. So for me having fun , even tho I feel like I can not see another barbell  is key. Training at coach his house was mostly fun this cycle….. for him that was… ?

VALIDATION. Some will agree and other will say  I am crazy  but I believe  validation is a big player when it comes  to being  competetive in anything in life and achieving results of and kind. That being said, I also believe one should only look for validation  within their  own mirror.  You validate you… AND when you do that loads of things will fall in place.

TECHNIQUE.  A things that takes practice,still ,patience and drive.  I am not a perfect lifter and to be honest I do not know anyone who is. But I have learned that besides  being strong , TECHNIQUE can make or break you. Time spend in the gym dedicated to bettering flaws kept #myheadinthegame and  have me hungry for more… because we are never done.

Well this is all folks. Nationals  is around
the corner and a new week emerges soon.  Lets get to it !


Technique is the surplus on your Strength

Strength helps to complete your lift …..

As trainer you can learn the most ……


Still 13 days and 13 hours to go before I am allowed to hit the platform. Yes I sad allowed to. Because coach @wimwam1 is no joke. Within his trainer/coach philosophy I am introduced to the realisation that competing is something you need to earn.

You might be thinking what is she going to talk about this time. Well….I think it’s time to share something very personal, yeah something about my PMS. Most people know that PMS refers to a group of changes around that time of the month. Yeah that period when some females might experience mood swings, become cranky, fatigue and irritability. 

Well for me PMS stands for Personal |Managing | System | ?. I seem to forget that I have one and using it the right way when things get hectic is still a struggle. It would make life much easier if I’d open up to doing so.

You probably have seen that @cardiopowerlifting is hitting us up with real quotes and knowledge every now and then. Those quotes can mean something to someone! Sometime real life takes over and asking help “in time” is not something that comes to (my) mind. Even if that can be the easiest and smartest thing to do. But how do you figure that out when you are used to figuring everything out by yourself? And are not used to people being there or wanting to help you? That’s still something I’m learning.

Simple example: when things get hectic @work, people want to meet up, or you have to attent family matters. How do you keep on track with your personal needs and the (urge) to do something for others?

A. Only please yourself

B. Only please others
C. Alter your schedule and try to please everybody
D. ?

I am interested in what your answer is to that situation. So please leave a comment below. It may not be all black, white or grey. Maybe there are some other flavours to choose from. In the meantime I’m still looking forward to attent the next meet. Seeing where I stand 4 months after the last Dutch Nationals will be very interesting if coach lets me do so.

*Untill we meet again*

Strength is when you ask help in time ….